Award SSIP Seminar

Globalization, Europe and Youth

The Prize "Europe" established in 2016 has been so far awarded every two years alternately in the University of Calabria and in the Island of Ventotene under the patronage of the local administration. In 2016 the I Prize "Europe" was awarded in the Island of Ventotene to Adriana Cerretelli well known columnist of Il Sole 24 Ore and an expert on European policies, international and globalization. In 2018 the II Prize "Europe" was awarded in the University of Calabria to Dr. Vincenzo Le Voci, Official of the Directorate General "Communication and Information" of the Council of the European Union, Secretary General of the Club of Venice, in recognition of his excellent commitment in the field of communication and information. Starting from 2020, the prize will change its format and will be awarded mainly to young people who, in the year of reference, have distinguished themselves for a relevant contribution to international and European issues. The Prize will be awarded jointly by the University of Calabria, the SSIP Seminar and the Municipality of Ventotene, every two years, alternately in the three locations of the institutions. The Selection Committee is formed by a designated member of the three participating institutions. For the year 2020, the Commission unanimously awarded the III Prize "Globalization, Europe and Youth" to the Foundation "Antonio Megalizzi" for the Europeanist commitment of Antonio Megalizzi who tragically died in the terrorist attack on the Christmas market in Strasbourg in 2018. For more information contact

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